Surface for Business

Social Rebrand


Designed for the future of work

B2B advertising shouldn’t feel like it. For Surface, it was time to refocus on the consumers behind every small-medium business (SMB) and find a way to reconnect.

We looked at why SMB owners visit the platform: business insight, thought leadership, and advice. From there we concentrated on devising a strategic approach to content that would resonate with this audience.

In less than a year, the community grew by 9,800+ members and engagement was just shy of 280k.


We worked with internal stakeholders to fine-tune the byline and wrote a new description to reinvigorate the page with energy and excitement.

A large ebook was condensed into a short, cohesive story.


Video Posts

Easily the most consumed format for social content, we used these posts as opportunities to educate and inform.

Static Posts

Spec heavy product descriptions and monotonous case studies don’t work on social. We needed to rethink how devices are showcased and how stories are shared on the LinkedIn platform.


Microsoft Edge


Presale Pitch